Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Media Giant Dies

Don Hewitt, the founder of "60 Minutes," has passed away.


Michelle Malkin has a good piece.

Um...maybe there ISN'T a mass departure from Glenn Beck's show by advertisers (wait, liberals lie? NO WAY!)

Cindy Sheehan is a tried-and-true liberal; she is beholden to no one and knows where she stands, and you have to respect that.

Flip-floppers- White House pulls a Kerry (or, maybe, just lied again).

An opinion about veterans and end-of-life care.

Too much care in America's health care system? (The author references "Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer" by Shannon Brownlee- Brownlee is biased, but the book is very good, regarding the importance of payment reform.)

Late-Morning Update

Big Labor is targeting Democrats regarding the public option.

Company's close ties to President Obama's administration has gotten noticed- and Republicans are jumping all over it.

Morning Round-Up

Kathleen Parker thinks the Whole Foods CEO's WSJ piece has some good ideas- and liberals should appreciate them.

Jonah Goldberg: with a supermajority, you can only blame Republicans for so long about health care reform.

Remembering Robert Novak

The midsummer presidential budget analysis.

A take on the upcoming Afghan elections.

Why health care insurance is so expensive- and ideas on how to lower costs.

Democrats prepared to take on health care reform alone?

Former South Korean president has dies- The Heritage Foundation's president remembers.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Afternoon Update

Immigration...the other third rail. Even for President Obama.

Drilling is legal- President Obama has put $2 billion into it! Unfortunately, it's in Brazil...

Morning Round-Up

Eugene Robinson gives great advice to the current administration, assuming they want to pass liberal health care reform.

Iraqis are taking things into their own hands.

More businesses join the Glenn Beck boycott- which is legal, fair and the ultimate free market decision on free speech. There are consequences to saying certain things, and viewers and advertisers decide what will be on the air, not the government. (I'm not saying I agree with the boycott...but freedom is freedom.)

No more ratting out your neighbors to Big Brother.

Conservatives and liberals exercise their freedom to bear arms...but is it worth it? Is it necessary?

A good piece on constructive, societal discourse.

President Obama will have to face down Senate Democrats over the public option

Monday, August 17, 2009

Today's Closing News & Columns

Medicare is utilizing some of the too-little talked about payment reform.

The Australian vote on global warming policies were voted down- this piece explains why.

Tim Pawlenty makes a typically effective, forward-looking speech.

Typical Democratic hypocrisy on faith, as explained by Kathleen Parker regarding the White House Faith-Based Initiatives. It was a theocracy under Bush, but is bigger and yet uncriticized under President Obama...

Too Big To Fail Is Bad Policy

Liberals should like Whole Foods, instead of being emotional wrecks over its CEO's piece last week regarding free market health care reform.

The French might be onto something...seriously, it can happen.

My parents are selling the homestead- here are some good pictures of the place.