Friday, August 14, 2009

Happy Weekend

Today's Best News, Editorials, & Columns:

Tom Brady looked healthy in his first preseason start since knee surgery; Planned Parenthood wants the freedom to kill babies in South Dakota; The Financial Times reports that top media and advertising companies are forming a new group to challenge Nielson; and natural gas or oil company heads made seven of the top ten bonuses this last year.

Several influential Democatic Senators say Climate change should be set aside in favor of other, more practical legislation.

New Hampshire Congressional Members aren't seeing their constituents this November; but, hey, they have to win next year, so New Hampshire has a chance to show them the errors of their ways.

Senator Sherrod Brown is a Ohio Democrat who is not doing town halls- but did have a roundtable with supporters last minute.

The White House is attacking free speech- we need to hold them accountable, people.

Senator Jim Webb is in Burma- but the circumstances surrounding his visit are complicated.

The author says we can live with a nuclear Iran. I am not sure he's right, but he definitely makes a legitimate argument.

The United States is, well, doomed if we don't start using smart fiscal policy- and soon

Tiger. Is. AWESOME.

Rationing always happens- whether run by government or private industry.

President Obama's plan WILL lead to rationing- and not the kind that happens naturally, as do food, building supplies and other market-rationed industries.

Surprise, surprise- Newsweek attacks religion! This time, they almost have a point- until you get past the first sentence. It was actually a worse piece than the one attacking the Catholic Church last month (see my response to that one here).

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